Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Di dalam terowong Rahsia penyeludup 'Semenanjung Gaza . . .

Light at the end of the tunnel
Di dalam terowong Rahsia penyeludup 'Semenanjung Gaza . . . 
By Mardiana hamdenEnvironmental Graffiti |earthWatch@1WORLDCommunity

Udara tersumbat dan berbau kekotoran, dan bahaya yang banyak. Pada titik tengah, mungkin tidak ada jalan keluar dalam setengah kilometer. Dan jika ini tidak cukup untuk memberi inspirasi claustrophobia yang teruk, kemudian mempertimbangkan fakta bahawa di atas siling terowong terletak lebih 20 meter dari tanah dan batuan. Nampaknya jauh dari permukaan, dengan konflik manusia dan pergolakan politik, namun ancaman antara dari bombardments udara gua-in telah disediakan lebih daripada cukup kebimbangan orang-orang yang membuat yang hidup di sini, jauh di bawah tanah. Walau apa pun semua perselisihan bermain-main di atas tanah, sehingga baru-baru ini, sekurang-kurangnya, ia tentu tidak tenang di laluan bawah tanah yang dijalankan di bawah bandar Rafah yang merentangi sempadan antara Mesir dan Semenanjung Gaza. Terdapat bunyi dan pemandangan - orang yang bergerak ke sana ke mari, bekas - bekas disumbat dengan barang-barang dan senjata yang diheret sepanjang dengung jentera, dan malah mooing sayu lembu yang sedang menggembala melalui terowong.

The air is stuffy and smells of dirt, and the dangers are many. At the halfway point, there may be no exit within half a kilometre. And if this weren’t enough to inspire extreme claustrophobia, then consider the fact that above the tunnel ceiling lies over 20 meters of soil and rock. It seems such a long way from the surface, with its human conflict and political turbulence, yet threats ranging from aerial bombardments to cave-ins have provided more than enough to concern those who make a living here, deep underground. Notwithstanding all the strife playing out above ground, until recently, at least, it certainly wasn’t quiet in the subterranean passageways that run below the town of Rafah - which spans the border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip. There were the sounds - and sights - of people moving to and fro, containers stuffed with goods and weapons being dragged along, machinery humming, and even the plaintive mooing of cows being herded through the tunnels.

Looking up
Terowong boleh menjadi lebih sedalam 20 meter di sesetengah tempat. (Tunnels can be over 20 meters deep in some places. Photo): Benoit De Freine.

Berbeza dengan peneroka gua semulajadi, orang-orang yang telah mengembara melalui terowong yang luas ini telah tidak berbuat demikian untuk tujuan penyelidikan atau rekreasi. Petikan-petikan ini bawah tanah sebenarnya saluran haram perdagangan yang menghubungkan kedua-dua negara sempadan yang mereka menyilang. Terowong digunakan bertahun-tahun, dan walaupun berulang kali percubaan telah dibuat untuk menutup atau hanya memusnahkan mereka, mereka terus beroperasi. Sehingga kini, apa-apa pada kadarnya.

Unlike the explorers of natural caves, the people who’ve travelled through these extensive tunnels have not done so for purposes of research or recreation. These underground passages were actually illegal channels of commerce linking the two countries whose border they crisscross. The tunnels were in use for years, and although repeated attempts were made to close or simply destroy them, they continued to operate. Until now, at any rate.

Square tunnel
Terowong diperkukuh terhadap keruntuhan. (Tunnels reinforced against collapse. Photo): Benoit De Freine.

Pada tahun 2007, Israel dan Mesir bersetuju untuk mengenakan sekatan ke atas Semenanjung Gaza. Menurut Israel, tujuan ini adalah untuk meletakkan tekanan ke atas Hamas, organisasi kawalan Gaza, dan untuk menghadkan keupayaan mereka untuk melancarkan serangan roket dari kawasan tersebut. Di bawah kepungan, barangan seperti bahan makanan, pakaian dan gasolin tertentu telah dibenarkan masuk ke Gaza, manakala barangan dan bahan-bahan lain, termasuk simen, paip logam, alat-alat muzik dan juga kertas, dihadkan atau diharamkan - atau sekurang-kurangnya begitu terlebih dahulu hingga Jun 2010.

In 2007, Israel and Egypt agreed to impose a blockade on the Gaza Strip. According to Israel, the purpose of this was to put pressure on Hamas, the organization in control of the Gaza Strip, and to limit their ability to launch rocket attacks from the area. Under the blockade, goods such as certain foodstuffs, clothing and gasoline have been allowed into Gaza, while other items and materials, including cement, metal pipes, musical instruments and even paper, were restricted or banned - or at least were so prior to June 2010.

Tunnel entrance
Pintu masuk terowong. Tunnel entrance. Photo: Benoit De Freine.

Walaupun dan kerana apa-apa sekatan, hari demi hari terowong ini telah digunakan untuk pengangkutan barang-barang - termasuk ubat-ubatan, makanan, alkohol dan rokok, bahan binaan, ternakan, dan juga kereta. Pada masa lalu, sudah tentu, senjata juga dibawa melalui laluan rahsia itu, walaupun pada tahun 2008 Hamas mendakwa telah mengharamkan penyeludupan senjata serta ubat-ubatan melalui terowong. Namun begitu, Israel telah berkata Hamas mempunyai terowong tersembunyi sendiri bahawa ia menggunakan untuk import senjata.

In spite and because of such restrictions, day after day these tunnels were used for the transportation of goods - including medicines, food, alcohol and cigarettes, building materials, livestock, and even cars. In the past, certainly, weapons were also brought through the secret passageways, although in 2008 Hamas claimed to have forbidden the smuggling of arms as well as drugs through the tunnels. Nevertheless, the Israelis have said Hamas has its own hidden tunnels that it uses for the import of weapons.

Looking down
Pergi ke bawah ke dalam kedalaman. Going down into the depths. Photo: Benoit De Freine.

Pada tahun 2009, penduduk Rafah mendakwa bahawa doktor Eropah telah diseludup melalui terowong ke Gaza semasa serangan Israel, di mana mereka pergi untuk merawat mereka yang memerlukan rawatan perubatan. Terowong bertetulang walaupun berjaya untuk menahan daya pengeboman udara Israel dan kekal beroperasi di seluruh pertempuran.

In 2009, Rafah residents claimed that European doctors were smuggled through the tunnels to Gaza during an Israeli offensive, where they went to treat those in need of medical attention. The reinforced tunnels even managed to withstand Israeli air force bombing and remain operational throughout the fighting.

Dark tunnel
Adalah sukar untuk membayangkan lembu yang bergerak melalui terowong ini. It’s hard to imagine cattle moving through this tunnel. Photo: Benoit De Freine.

Jurugambar Benoit De Freine mempunyai perasaan bercampur-campur mengenai menerbitkan imej-imej ini. "Sejak matlamat saya di Gaza adalah untuk memberi semula maruah manusia kepada rakyat Palestin, menunjukkan gambar-gambar  terowong penyeludupan ini adalah benar-benar bercanggah dengan tujuan itu," katanya. "Bagaimanapun, saya berasa bertanggungjawab untuk berkongsi gambar-gambar ini untuk menunjukkan kehendak besar kelangsungan hidup rakyat Palestin."

Photographer Benoit De Freine had mixed feelings about publishing these images. “Since my objective in Gaza is to give back human dignity to the people of Palestine, showing these pictures of smuggling tunnels is really in conflict with that purpose,” he says. “However I feel obliged to share these pictures to show the great will of survival of Palestinians.”

End of tunnel
Sebuah terowong yang disekat. A blocked tunnel. Photo: Benoit De Freine.

Bekerja pada atau dalam rangkaian terowong bawah tanah adalah perniagaan yang sangat berisiko. "Ramai orang yang mati ketika menggali terowong ini, yang bahawa ada lagi satu kilometer," kata De Freine. "Malah kini (pada tahun 2011), pada asas hampir setiap hari ada mangsa . . . kerana runtuh, bombardments atau semasa membina terowong baru," tambah beliau. Malah, di antara 2007 dan 2011, lebih daripada 100 rakyat Palestin terbunuh dalam runtuh terowong, dengan sekurang-kurangnya 45 mati akibat gua-in pada tahun 2008 sahaja.

Working on or in the network of underground tunnels is a hugely risky business. “Many people die while digging these tunnels, which are often longer that one kilometre,” says De Freine. “Even now (in 2011), on an almost daily basis there are casualties . . . due to collapses, bombardments or while constructing new tunnels,” he adds. Indeed, between 2007 and 2011, more than 100 Palestinians were killed in tunnel collapses, with at least 45 dead due to cave-ins in 2008 alone.

Arched tunnel
Terowong boleh berbeza dari segi ketinggian dan lebar. The tunnels can vary in height and width. Photo: Benoit De Freine.

Pada masa lalu, kedua-dua Mesir dan Israel telah membuat percubaan untuk menghentikan pembinaan terowong yang menyalahi undang-undang. Tentera Israel bergantung sebahagian besarnya kepada perisikan berkumpul untuk mencari rangkaian bawah tanah. Mereka telah juga sekali-sekala digerudi melalui bumi di lokasi di mana mereka mempunyai terowong yang disyaki akan ditempatkan.

In the past, both Egypt and Israel have made attempts to halt the illegal construction of tunnels. The Israeli army relies largely on gathered intelligence to discover the underground networks. They have also occasionally drilled down through the earth in locations where they have suspected tunnels to be located.

Man in tunnel
Seorang lelaki di dalam terowong menunjukkan apa keadaan Torch di bawah sana. A man in the tunnel shows just what a tight squeeze it is down there. Photo: Benoit De Freine.

Sekali pihak berkuasa Israel tentukan lokasi terowong, mereka akan cuba untuk mencari sumber - biasanya bawah tanah rumah atau lain-lain tempat yang tersembunyi. Tentera akan memusnahkan terowong yang menggunakan bahan letupan - sehingga satu tan setiap terowong - memastikan bahawa ia tidak lagi boleh digunakan untuk penyeludupan. Satu operasi berbahaya bagi kedua-dua askar dan penyeludup.

Once Israeli authorities ascertained the location of a tunnel, they would try to find its source - usually the basement of a house or other hidden spot. The army would then destroy the tunnel using explosives - up to one ton per tunnel - ensuring that it could no longer be used for smuggling. A dangerous operation for both soldiers and smugglers.

Terowong boleh menjadi asas atau mengandungi ciri-ciri dan peralatan tambah. Tunnels can be basic or contain added features and equipment. Photo: Benoit De Freine.

"Dalam tahun-tahun kebelakangan ini, Mesir meletakkan plat logam besar di dalam tanah untuk memotong terowong, yang memaksa rakyat Palestin untuk menggali lebih dalam, selalunya lebih mendalam daripada 20 meter," kata De Freine. "Terdapat walaupun cerita tentera Mesir banjiri atau melepaskan gas ke dalam terowong dengan sengaja, untuk memusnahkan terowong, sering meninggalkan mangsa-mangsa banyak juga."

“In recent years Egypt placed big metal plates in the ground to cut off the tunnels, which forced Palestinians to dig deeper, often deeper than 20 meters,” says De Freine. “There are even stories of Egyptian forces flooding or releasing gasses into tunnels on purpose, in order to destroy the tunnels, often leaving many casualties as well.”

Goods containers
Bekas mungkin digunakan untuk mengheret barang-barang melalui terowong. Benoit de Freine. Containers presumably used for dragging goods through the tunnel. Photo: Benoit De Freine.

Namun, di sebalik semua risiko, terowong terus membawa bekalan yang diharamkan kepada penduduk Gaza dan menyediakan perniagaan yang lumayan kepada orang-orang yang membina dan menjalankannya. Pada tahun 2008, satu pengendali terowong mendakwa bahawa antara 20,000 dan 25,000 pekerja telah bekerja di bawah tanah. Lebih baru-baru ini, ia telah dianggarkan bahawa pergerakan barangan bernilai kira-kira setengah bilion ringgit setahun, menjadikannya bahagian yang penting dalam ekonomi Gaza.

Yet, despite all the risks, the tunnels continued bringing banned supplies to the people of Gaza and provided a lucrative business to those who built and ran them. In 2008, one tunnel operator claimed that between 20,000 and 25,000 workers were employed underground. More recently, it was estimated that the movement of goods is worth about half a billion dollars a year, making it a vital part of Gaza’s economy.

Menggali terowong rahsia itu adalah perniagaan yang berbahaya. Benoit de Freine. Digging out the secret tunnels is a dangerous business. Photo: Benoit De Freine.

Pembinaan terowong penyeludupan tidak datang murah sama adanya. 500 meter terowong panjang A tetap boleh menelan belanja sehingga bersamaan sekitar USD 111.300 untuk menggali, manakala USD 185.500 adalah tag harga hampir pada terowong 2 kali lebih panjang dan dengan ciri-ciri keselamatan tambahan. Walau bagaimanapun, bagi pemilik terowong, keuntungan mestilah telah bernilai perbelanjaan awal - dan risiko yang dihadapi oleh pekerja-pekerja mereka.

The construction of the smuggling tunnels has not come cheap either. A regular 500-meter long tunnel can cost up to the equivalent of around USD 111,300 to excavate, while USD 185,500 is the approximate price tag on a tunnel twice as long and with extra safety features. However, for the tunnel owners, the profits must have been worth the initial expense - and the risks faced by their workers.

Beberapa terowong walaupun mempunyai bekalan elektrik. Some tunnels even have electricity. Photo: Benoit De Freine.

Sebagai contoh jenis wang hendak dibuat, menjelang hari raya Id Islam Al-Adha pada tahun 2008, sejumlah besar betis perayaan sedang diangkut melalui terowong. Setiap haiwan tersebut telah dijual kepada rakyat Palestin bagi bersamaan kira-kira USD 750 per kepala. "Walaupun jika kita membawa masuk haiwan setiap hari kita tidak akan memenuhi permintaan untuk hari raya Id itu," kata pengendali terowong pada masa itu.

As an example of the kind of money there was to be made, ahead of the Muslim Id Al-Adha in 2008, large numbers of festival calves were being transported through the tunnels. Each of these animals was sold to Palestinians for the equivalent of about USD 750 per head. “Even if we brought in animals every day we would not meet the demand for the Id," said a tunnel operator at the time.

Jika pelabur mempunyai wang, terowong boleh datang dengan ciri-ciri keselamatan tambahan dan peralatan. If investors have the money, a tunnel can come with extra safety features and equipment. Photo: Benoit De Freine.

Semua perdagangan melalui terowong datang berakhir baru-baru ini, pada 5 Ogos 2012, apabila terowong mula ditutup oleh orang Mesir. Kursus ini tindakan itu didorong oleh satu serangan yang berlaku 2 hari sebelum itu yang menyaksikan 16 pengawal sempadan Mesir yang beramai-ramai oleh 35 lelaki bersenjata. Selepas serangan tersebut, lelaki bersenjata memandu di seberang ke Israel di mana mereka telah dibunuh oleh tentera Israel.

All the trade through the tunnels came to an end very recently, on August 5, 2012, when the tunnels began being sealed off by the Egyptians. This course of action was prompted by an attack that occurred two days earlier that saw 16 Egyptian border guards massacred by 35 gunmen. After the attack, the gunmen drove across into Israel where they were killed by Israeli forces.

Switch panel
Beralih panel untuk elektrik terowong. Switch panel for the tunnel electricity. Photo: Benoit De Freine.

Orang-orang Mesir berkata mereka percaya penyerang datang melalui terowong, yang mereka telah ditutup pada akhirnya. Hamas telah mengutuk pembunuhan dan juga telah menutup terowong dari pihak Gaza. Walau bagaimanapun, Hamas mengatakan mereka tidak percaya militan yang digunakan terowong. "Gaza tidak mempunyai apa-apa kaitan dengan serangan tersebut dan tiada siapa dari Gaza telah menyusup keluar melalui terowong," mengekalkan jurucakap Hamas Ihab al-Ghussein.

The Egyptians say they believe the attackers came through the tunnels, which they have closed at their end. Hamas have condemned the slayings and have also sealed off the tunnels from the Gaza side. However, Hamas say they do not believe the militants used the tunnels. “Gaza had nothing to do with the attack and no one from Gaza sneaked out through the tunnels,” maintained Hamas spokesperson Ihab al-Ghussein.

Deserted land
Tiada tanah-go antara Mesir dan Gaza. The no-go land between Egypt and Gaza. Photo: Benoit De Freine.

Mengenai subjek luar pengedap, Timbalan Menteri Luar Gaza Ghazi Hamad berkata, "Kami menutup terowong untuk menghalang sesiapa daripada menyelinap masuk atau keluar dari Gaza sepanjang perjalanan ke arah pesalah dan orang-orang yang menyokong mereka." Israel, di sisi lain, katakan jihadis telah sedang menyeberang dari Gaza ke Mesir dan menyertai militan di sisi lain dengan matlamat bersama untuk melancarkan serangan di sempadan Israel.

On the subject of the sealing off, Gaza deputy foreign minister Ghazi Hamad said, "We closed the tunnels to prevent anyone from sneaking in or out of Gaza during the pursuit of the offenders and those who backed them.” Israel, on the other hand, say jihadis have been going across from Gaza to Egypt and joining militants on the other side with the common goal of launching attacks on Israel’s border.

Ini pintu masuk terowong tersembunyi dibawah tempat perlindungan plastik. Benoit de Freine. This tunnel entrance is concealed beneath a plastic shelter. Photo: Benoit De Freine.

Kini, terdapat kebimbangan bahawa Gaza mungkin mengalami akibat yang serius sebagai akibat kehilangan ini persimpangan berasaskan terowong dan akibat pasaran kelabu. "Jalur ini sudah digunakan untuk terowong sebagai titik penyeberangan kekal, dan setiap sektor yang bergantung sepenuhnya kepadanya," kata ahli ekonomi Omar Shaaban, yang mengetuai sebuah organisasi penyelidikan yang pejabat di Gaza. "Penutupan walaupun hanya seminggu akan menyebabkan kemerosotan yang serius dalam keadaan," katanya memberi amaran.

Now there are fears that Gaza may suffer serious consequences as a result of losing this tunnel-based intersection and its resulting grey market. “The strip got used to the tunnels as a permanent crossing point, and every sector is completely dependent on them,” says economist Omar Shaaban, who heads a research organization headquartered in Gaza. “Closure even for only a week will cause a serious deterioration in the situation,” he warns.

Under the shelter
Di bawah kanvas. Beneath the canvas. Photo: Benoit De Freine.

Omar Shabaan menerangkan bahawa banyak bahan binaan Gaza yang datang melalui terowong dan tanpanya sekitar 15,000 orang yang bekerja dalam industri pembinaan akan kehilangan pekerjaan. Shabaan juga menunjukkan bahawa terowong adalah satu sumber bahan api dan bahawa "melambat-kan ini akan memburukkan lagi krisis elektrik dan akan berhenti kerja di kedai roti, di kilang-kilang dan pengangkutan." Sudah, harga barangan telah meroket di Gaza - sehingga 60% peratus lebih, mengikut kenyataan satu pemilik terowong .

Omar Shabaan explains that many of Gaza’s building materials come through the tunnels and that without them around 15,000 people who work in the construction industry will be left jobless. Shabaan also points out that the tunnels are a source of fuel and that “delaying this will worsen the electricity crisis and will stop work at bakeries, in factories and in transportation.” Already, prices for goods have skyrocketed in Gaza – up to 60 percent more, according to one tunnel owner.

Salah satu bangunan berkulit Gaza, bukti konflik berterusan One of the shelled buildings of Gaza, evidence of the on-going conflict. Photo: Benoit De Freine.

Benoit De Freine menawarkan kefahaman tentang betapa pentingnya terowong ini adalah untuk penduduk Gaza. "Hakikat bahawa rakyat Gaza yang menggali kan kira-kira 200 terowong, lebih dari satu kilometer, (dengan) korban banyak selama ini, mesti mengatakan sesuatu tentang keperluan Gaza yang kekurangan sejak awal pengepungan Israel. Ia juga memberikan kita yang baik (idea) (keadaan terdesak) dan akan terus hidup rakyat Palestin."

Benoit De Freine offers an insight into how important these tunnels are to the residents of Gaza. “The fact that the people of Gaza dug about 200 tunnels, longer than one kilometre, [with] many casualties over the years, must say something about the necessities which Gaza is lacking since the start of the Israeli siege. It also gives us a good [idea] of the [desperation] and the will to survive of the Palestinians.”

Dinding sempadan antara Mesir dan Gaza. The border wall between Egypt and Gaza. Photo: Benoit De Freine.

Ia tidak boleh dinafikan bahawa terowong di bawahnya Rafah telah digunakan untuk tujuan yang lebih dipersoalkan, seperti penyeludupan senjata kepada militan di Gaza. Walau bagaimanapun, ramai yang tidak percaya bahawa menutup terowong akan menyediakan penyelesaian. "Kami tidak menentang sebarang langkah-langkah keselamatan Mesir atau Palestin, tetapi kami menuntut mereka membuka semula terowong, mungkin dengan penelitian sedikit lebih," kata Mustafa Abu pemilik terowong. "Tetapi jika kita menutup terowong, penduduk di Gaza akan mati."

It can’t be denied that the tunnels beneath Rafah have been used for more questionable aims, such as the smuggling of arms to militants in Gaza. However, many don’t believe that closing the tunnels will provide a solution. “We are not against any Egyptian or Palestinian security measures, but we demand they reopen the tunnels, maybe with a bit more scrutiny,” says tunnel owner Abu Mustafa. “But if we close the tunnels, people in Gaza will die.”

Tidak akan ada cara untuk menyeberangi tanah ini tanpa dilihat jika tidak kerana terowong. There would be no way to cross this land without being seen if not for the tunnels. Photo: Benoit De Freine.

Ia tidak diketahui apabila, jika terowong akan dibuka semula. Timbalan Menteri Luar Ghazi Hamad Gaza percaya bahawa walaupun sekiranya terbukti bahawa mereka yang terlibat dalam pembunuhan beramai-ramai pengawal sempadan baru-baru ini Mesir tidak datang dari Gaza, ia akan berkemungkinan masih mengambil masa agak lama sebelum mereka dibenarkan untuk beroperasi semula.

It is not known when, if ever, the tunnels will be reopened. The Gaza deputy foreign minister Ghazi Hamad believes that even if it is proven that those involved in the recent Egyptian border guard massacre did not come from Gaza, it will likely still be some time before they are allowed to operate again.

Man on balcony
Satu gelombang Palestin dari balkoni. A Palestinian waves from his balcony. Photo: Benoit De Freine.

Ia adalah satu keadaan yang sukar. Penduduk Gaza memerlukan bekalan mereka, tetapi rakyat Mesir dan Israel juga perlu keselamatan. Malangnya, ia seolah-olah tidak mungkin bahawa satu penyelesaian yang boleh diterima oleh kedua-dua pihak akan ditemui pada bila-bila masa tidak lama lagi, dan dalam sebarang konflik skala ini, rakyat biasa mungkin akan menjadi orang-orang yang paling menderita. Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Benoit De Freine untuk berkongsi gambar-gambar dan pengetahuan terowong penyeludupan dengan kami.

It is a difficult situation. The people of Gaza need their supplies, but the people of Egypt and Israel also need security. Unfortunately, it seems unlikely that a solution acceptable to both sides will be found anytime soon, and, as in any conflict of this scale, the ordinary people will probably be the ones who suffer most. We thank Benoit De Freine for sharing his photographs and knowledge of the smuggling tunnels with us.


(Source/sumber: Environmental Graffiti. Edited).

Mesir menutup terowong sekali buat Gaza ke atas 
keganasan sempadan . . .

TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: Kerajaan Mesir menutup terowong penyeludupan merentasi sempadan dengan Gaza, selepas 16 askar terbunuh dalam pertempuran di rantau ini. Sejak permulaan revolusi Mesir, militan telah melihat peningkatan mendadak di kawasan Sinai, yang juga bersempadan dengan Israel. (Egypt's government is shutting down smuggling tunnels across its border with Gaza, after 16 of its soldiers were killed in clashes in the region. Since the start of the Egyptian revolution, militancy has seen a sharp rise in the Sinai area, which also borders Israel).

PERINGATAN Kepada yang Mendengar: Para Manusia Yakjuj dan Makjuj ini sengaja mencipta dan mencerna fitnah untuk memberi kepuasan lahiriah mereka, malahan sering memberi gambaran buruk terhadap perkara yang baik dan benar, menyanjung tinggi kepalsuan. Gulungan makhluk perosak “Yakjuj dan Makjuj” ini juga amat suka kepada ciptaan pelbagai barangan dan peralatan. Sentiasa berkerja keras mempercanggih ciptaan mereka sehinggalah akhirnya tersesat ‘SesatBarat’ bertuhankan ciptaan mereka sendiri. Hidup mereka ditumpukan kepada usaha ini dan mereka bentuk sesuatu yang baru untuk berkuasa. Mereka amat terpesona dengan kejayaan mereka itu dan membanggakannya kepada seluruh penghuni DUNIA Fitnah dajjal ini lah yang paling berjaya menjerat manusia. Selanjutnya fahaman ini ‘DUNIA moden’ menjadi ikutan sebahagian besar umat manusia setelah terpengaruh dan terpegun dengan kemajuan apa yang mereka panggil sebagai . . . Sains & Teknologi!!!?

AWARE Yourself 2012

Maka sebarkanlah apa saja yang anda fikirkan perlu disebarkan. Apa yang anda baca di sini hanyalah maklumat. Ianya akan menjadi ilmu yang manfaat apabila diamalkan. Dan jika kita sampaikan ilmu yang kita ada kepada orang lain, maka Allah Ta'ala akan menganugerahkan kepada kita ilmu yang belum kita tahu.

We are living in a time when the Corrupt are displayed as the Wise People & Wise People as the Corrupt. When The Rich get Richer and the Poor stay Poor. With this Message I will attempt explain one Of the Signs from God & The Mystery Surrounding us. We don't know exact time Of the HOUR, (Only God Knows). However, we do know some Of the Sign. Read Carefully. Think & Observe the Signs Of All Mighty God before it's too late. The HOUR is Coming, it's just a matter Of time . . .

Thursday, 22 September 2011

The People of Antiokhia

The Prophet's Message . . .

All that we know about these people is what Almighty Allah has told us in the Glorious Quran: And put forward to them a similitude; the (story of the) dwellers of the town. It is said that the town was Antioch (Antakiya), when there came Messengers to them.

When We sent them 2 Messengers, they belied them both, so We reinforced them with a third, and they said: "Verily! We have been sent to you as Messengers."

They (people of the town) said: "You are only human beings like ourselves and the Most Beneficent (Allah) has revealed nothing, you are only telling lies."

The Messengers said: "Our Lord knows that we have been sent as Messengers to you, - And our duty is only to convey plainly (the Message)."

They (people) said: "For us, we see an evil omen from you, if you cease not, we will surely stone you, and a painful torment will touch you from us."








13: And set out to them an example of the people of the town, when the messengers came to it.

14: When We sent to them two, they rejected both of them, then We strengthened (them) with a third, so they said: Surely we are messengers to you.

15: They said: You are naught but mortals like ourselves, nor has the Beneficent Allah revealed anything; you only lie.

16: They said: Our Lord knows that we are most surely messengers to you.

17: And nothing devolves on us but a clear deliverance (of the message).

18: They said: Surely we augur evil from you; if you do not desist, we will certainly stone you, and there shall certainly afflict vou a painful chastisement from us.

19 :They said: Your evil fortune is with you; what! if you are reminded! Nay, you are an extravagant people.

Surah 36: 13-19

The Believing Man . . .

And there came running from the farthest part of the town, a man, saying: "0 my people! Obey the Messengers; obey those who ask no wages of you (for themselves), and who are rightly guided. And why should I not worship Him (Allah Alone) Who has created me and to Whom you shall be returned. Shall I take besides Him aliah (gods), if the Most Beneficent (Allah) intends me any harm, their intercession will be of no use whatsoever, nor can they save me? Then verily, I should be in plain error. Verily! I have believed in your Lord, so listen to me!"

It was said (to him when the disbelievers killed him). "Enter Paradise."









20: And from the remote part of the city there came a man running, he said: O my people! follow the messengers;

21: Follow him who does not ask you for reward, and they are the followers of the right course;

22: And what reason have I that I should not serve Him Who brought me into existence? And to Him you shall be brought back;

23: What! shall I take besides Him gods whose intercession, If the Beneficent Allah should desire to afflict me with a harm, shall not avail me aught, nor shall they be able to deliver me?

24: In that case I shall most surely be in clear error:

25: Surely I believe in your Lord, therefore hear me.

26: It was said: Enter the garden. He said: O would that my people had known

27: Of that on account of which my Lord has forgiven me and made me of the honored ones!

Surah 36: 20-27

The Punishment . . .

And We sent not against his people after him (the man) a host from heaven, nor do We send (such a thing). It was but one shout and lo! They (all) were silent (dead-destroyed).





28: And We did not send down upon his people after him any hosts from heaven, nor do We ever send down.

29: It was naught but a single cry, and lo! they were still.

30: Alas for the servants! there comes not to them an messenger but they mock at him.

31: Do they not consider how many of the generations have We destroyed before them, because they do not turn to them?

Surah 36: 28-31

What does Jihad Mean? . . .

The word Jihad represents a concept which is much misunderstood in the West. The concept is explained nicely by the Christian scholar Ira 6. Zepp, Jr. in his book entitled A Muslim Primer on pages 133-135. We adapt from his answer the following:

The essential meaning of Jihad is the spiritual, psychological, and physical effort we exert to be close to God and thus achieve a just and harmonious society. Jihad literally means "striving" or "struggle" and is shorthand for Jihad fi Sabeel Allah (struggle for God's cause). In a sense, every Muslim is a Mujahid, one who strives for God and justice.

Al-Ghazali captured the essence of Jihad when he said: "The real Jihad is the warfare against (one's own) passions. Dr. Ibrahim Abu-Rabi calls Jihad "the execution of effort against evil in the self and every manifestation of evil in society." In a way, Jihad is the Muslim's purest sacrifice: a struggle to live a perfect life and completely submit to God.

Another form of Jihad is the striving to translate the Word of God into action. If one has experienced God and received guidance from the Qur'an, one struggles to apply that guidance in daily life. So the larger, more prevalent meaning of Jihad is the spiritual struggle of the soul. In this case, Jihad is always present for the believer whether there is an external enemy or not. We should never reduce Jihad to violence.


A third level of Jihad is popularly known as "holy war." The classic passage is found in the Qur'an:Fight in the way of Allah those who fight against you, but transgress not the limits. Truly Allah likes not the transgressors (Qur'an 2:190).

It is crucial to note here that what is condoned is defensive warfare; Islam cannot justify aggressive war. Muhammad and the Tradition are also against killing non-combatants, torturing of prisoners, the destruction of crops, animals and homes. Adapted from Ira 6. Zepp, Jr., A Muslim Primer (1992, Wakefield Editions, US) pp.133-135.

Robert Ellwood of the University of Southern California has the following to say about the Muslim concept of Jihad: Out of the community ideal of Islam comes the concept of jihad, or holy war, which is designed to defend Islam and allow its social practice, though not to force individual conversions, which is forbidden.

Since Islam in principle is a community as well as a religion, presumably only an absolute pacifist would be able to reject the theory of jihad out of hand, since other communities also fight to defend or expand their ways of life. (Many Peoples, Many Faiths by Robert S. Ellwood, 4th edition, Simon & Schuster, US, 1982, p.346


Many of us have Islamic books in our houses and rooms. We find that as we get more interested in Islam, the literature we purchase also increases. However, many of us lack the correct etiquettes on how to behave witch such books and sadly we see them lying around the house, next to the toaster in the kitchen or used as a coaster in the living room.

The reality is that these books are of great importance and deserved of enormous respect due to the writings within them. Often we will find the blessed name of Allah ‘azza wa jal and Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi wa Salam written inside.

Many books have Qur’anic verses and ahadith and thus are books of a venerated nature. The more respect we show these books, the more we will be able to benefit from them. The more disrespect we show them, the less we will gain from them.

It does not befit a book of such a stature that it be left next to the toaster in the kitchen, rather it should deserve a place on a accessible, clean shelf. Such books should be handled with care.

The books which are studied in classical madressas usually have the main text in the center of the page and the commentary/footnotes are carefully etched all around the sides of the page.

These annotations are sometimes upside down and at angles which are hard to read. Allamah Anwar Shah Kashmiri Rahimahullah would have such respect for his books that in order to read these annotations, he would never move the book that was in front of him but rather he would move himself around the book if he wanted to read something which was written upside down.

Such respect for his books contributed highly into making him one of the greatest scholars to have ever emanated from the sub continent.

Similar is the case of the king Bahadur Shah Zafar. After his death, somebody saw him in a dream and asked him, “O King! How did you fare in front of Allah Ta’ala?” He said, “Allah Ta’ala forgave me and he was very kind to me.”

The person asked, “Is the reason because you were a very just king and ruler?” The king replied, “No, it was because of one incident that Allah Ta’ala liked so much. I was on a journey and I came to a resting place and we stopped there and when I was about to sleep on my bed, I noticed that on the shelf there was a Qur’an and I couldn’t spread my legs towards the Qur’an.

I immediately stood up and sat straight. Now I thought that I would move the Qur’an from there and put it somewhere else but I thought no, I should not do that for the sake of my own rest. So, I tried to turn around and slept the other way but I couldn’t sleep.

Sometimes I was sitting down; sometimes I was in some other posture until I spent the whole night in a sleepless state because of the respect of the Qur’an. I did not move the Qur’an for my own sake and I couldn’t sleep on the other side. So Allah Ta’ala said to me, “O Zafar! I liked this deed of yours so much that because of that, I am forgiving you.”

Today we consider such things such a trivial matter but when we look at our elders, we see an intense and burning love for books which are of a deeni nature. It is very important to become humble in front of such books.

Many of us out of ignorance and disrespect sleep with our feet pointing towards Islamic books. There was a time where sleep in this manner would be unbearable but today, we are happy to place our feet towards deeni books and then sleep like a grizzly bear with full on snoring.

Similar is the case of sleeping in a high position whilst the books are lower than the feet of a person. It should not be the case that a person sleeps on such a high bedding that there are books on his shelf/desktop etc which are lower than his feet.

If possible, he should lower his bed so that he is closer towards the floor and if he cannot do this, then he should look to sleep in another room. If that is really hard then he should ensure that the books are kept in another place where they will not be disrespected.

The following bullet points will inshallah be of benefit:

  • Keep your Islamic books in high, dust-free shelves.
  • Keep them nicely arranged starting with Qur'anic related books, Hadith related books then Fiqh related books and so on.
  • Keep them in good condition.
  • Do not use them for any other purpose other than what they are meant for. No 'coaster-ing!'
  • Do not keep them in places which denote disgrace, i.e. below the feet.
  • Do not point your feet towards Islamic books when you sleep.
  • Hold the Islamic books with your right hand as this is the hand of respect.
  • Try to maintain wudhu when reading such books. Although it is not necessary, it will be better and respectful. (Note: it is compulsory for one to have wudhu before physically handling the Qur'an)
  • When you are carrying a book, carry it above your waist.
  • Use nice bags when carrying Islamic books, not just a ripped Tesco bag!
  • If one has many books and shelves in proportion to them, then make sure the room in which they are kept is clean and fragranced well.
Finally, I finish on a statement that our teachers would tell us, "Whomsoever acquired anything in this world did so by respect (adab). And whomsoever lost something in this world did so because of (a lack of) respect."

May Allah Ta'ala give us the ability to revere everything which is deserved of respect. Ameen.

Do You Want Allah (SubhanahuwaTa'ala) to Love You?

Then Develop the Following Qualities!


And spend in the way of Allah and cast not yourselves to perdition with your own hands, and do good (to others); surely Allah loves the doers of good.


Those who spend (benevolently) in ease as well as in straitness, and those who restrain (their) anger and pardon men; and Allah loves the doers of good (to others).


So Allah gave them the reward of this world and better reward of the hereafter and Allah loves those who do good (to others).


But on account of their breaking their covenant We cursed them and made their hearts hard; they altered the words from their places and they neglected a portion of what they were reminded of; and you shall always discover treachery in them excepting a few of them; so pardon them and turn away; surely Allah loves those who do good (to others).


On those who believe and do good there is no blame for what they eat, when they are careful (of their duty) and believe and do good deeds, then they are careful (of their duty) and believe, then they are careful (of their duty) and do good (to others), and Allah loves those who do good (to others).

Allah loves Muhsineen (Good Doers) (2:195, 3:134, 3:148, 5:13, 5:93)


And they ask you about menstruation. Say: It is a discomfort; therefore keep aloof from the women during the menstrual discharge and do not go near them until they have become clean; then when they have cleansed themselves, go in to them as Allah has commanded you; surely Allah loves those who turn much (to Him), and He loves those who purify themselves.

Allah loves Tawwabeen (Those who turn to rightfulness) (2:222)


Never stand in it; certainly a masjid founded on piety from the very first day is more deserving that you should stand in it; in it are men who love that they should be purified; and Allah loves those who purify themselves.

Allah loves Mutahhareen (Those who keep their bodies free from filth) (2:222, 9:108)


Yea, whoever fulfills his promise and guards (against evil)-- then surely Allah loves those who guard (against evil).


Except those of the idolaters with whom you made an agreement, then they have not failed you in anything and have not backed up any one against you, so fulfill their agreement to the end of their term; surely Allah loves those who are careful (of their duty).


How can there be an agreement for the idolaters with Allah and with His Messenger; except those with whom you made an agreement at the Sacred Mosque? So as long as they are true to you, be true to them; surely Allah loves those who are careful (of their duty).

Allah loves Muttaqeen (Those who guard themselves against evil) (3:76, 9:4, 9:7)


And how many a prophet has fought with whom were many worshippers of the Lord; so they did not become weak-hearted on account of what befell them in Allah's way, nor did they weaken, nor did they abase themselves; and Allah loves the patient.

Allah loves Sabireen (Being Patient) (3:146)


Thus it is due to mercy from Allah that you deal with them gently, and had you been rough, hard hearted, they would certainly have dispersed from around you; pardon them therefore and ask pardon for them, and take counsel with them in the affair; so when you have decided, then place your trust in Allah; surely Allah loves those who trust.

Allah loves Mutawakkileen (Those who put their trust in Allah) (3:159)


(They are) listeners of a lie, devourers of what is forbidden; therefore if they come to you, judge between them or turn aside from them, and if you turn aside from them, they shall not harm you in any way; and if you judge, judge between them with equity; surely Allah loves those who judge equitably.


And if 2 parties of the believers quarrel, make peace between them; but if one of them acts wrongfully towards the other, fight that which acts wrongfully until it returns to Allah's command; then if it returns, make peace between them with justice and act equitably; surely Allah loves those who act equitably.


Allah does not forbid you respecting those who have not made war against you on account of (your) religion, and have not driven you forth from your homes, that you show them kindness and deal with them justly; surely Allah loves the doers of justice.

Allah loves Muqsiteen (Those who act equitably and justly) (5:42, 49:9, 60:8)